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For quite some time I had been racking my brains trying to think of a theme for regular blog posts that would keep me interested, engaged and committed to posting, and in the early hours of the 17th January this year it suddenly came to me!

Much like the early days of the internet early last year I found myself drawn to this whole new frontier of AI and where it may take us.
With that in mind my idea behind ‘AI for Breakfast’ is to publish a new post every day on a topic related in some way to AI and how it may be utilised in business.

For the weekdays I will endeavour to post informative and hopefully useful posts (Update, this changed at post 92). For the weekends the current theme is getting my custom GPT to create a visual metaphor for an idiom or phrase, hopefully on the first attempt. Sometimes the results are quite amusing, sometimes they’re pretty poor! The theme may change, after all, this is just an experiment.

Admittedly my original intentions have changed as this project grows. The time commitment is a bit more than I envisaged and the format is constantly evolving. I’m experimenting with creating custom GPTs for my own business and my clients. I’m really enjoying the learning process, which to me is always a good thing. Prompt engineering is fascinating subject and I’m starting to get a handle on it.

Andrej Karpathy, a very well respected computer scientist tweeted on the 24th january 2023, “The hottest new programming language is English” my own interpretation on this is that if he was referring to prompt engineering in some way then you better take notice!

The deeper I go down the AI rabbit hole, the more I realise just how incredibly powerful AI will become. My advice?

Learn about AI and how you can incorporate it into your business. Because if you don’t your competitors most likely will, and when they do they will have the advantage, and it will become a very large advantage.

Start today…

A train is going down the tracks with mountains in the background
By Chris Witham 27 Apr, 2024
Post 102 - It’s the weekend - Idiom of the Day Gravy Train Created in ChatGPT using my custom Idiom Generator GPT! Add idiom, generate copy, generate image: Figurative meaning The term "gravy train" refers to a situation where someone can make a lot of money easily, without much effort or responsibility. It implies a continuous source of abundant financial gain with minimal work. Typical usage The idiom "gravy train" is often used to describe jobs or situations where profit is gained with little to no effort. For example, someone might say, "He’s been riding the gravy train ever since he got that cushy consulting job," to suggest that the person is earning a lot of money without much hard work. Origin The expression "gravy train" has its roots in early 20th-century American slang. The word "gravy" in this context likely evolved from the metaphorical use of the actual sauce known for making plain food more appealing and enjoyable, suggesting that something is an enhancement or an extra benefit. By the 1920s, the term was commonly used to mean an easy and profitable route or situation. The "train" part of the idiom emphasises the smooth, ongoing, and almost automatic nature of the benefits, much like a train running effortlessly on its tracks.
A dark hallway with a rug and a door with the number 101 on it
By Chris Witham 26 Apr, 2024
Post 101 - Fun Friday Room 101 - A short Story Sorry couldn’t resist prompting ChatGPT for this for obvious reasons! In the dim light of a flickering bulb, just barely illuminating the brass numbers on the door, “101” seemed to glint ominously. Max, a weary traveller with a penchant for adventure novels, found himself standing at the threshold of this room in a forgotten hotel on the edge of town. The clerk at the front desk had handed him the key with a slight tremor in his hand, a fact Max had attributed to the chilly draught that seemed to follow him through the lobby. As he pushed the door open, the creak of the hinges was swallowed by the silence that enveloped the room. A musty smell of old wood and mothballs assaulted his senses. The room was surprisingly austere, furnished with only the essentials—a bed, a dresser, and a small desk that looked out of place, as if it was holding secrets instead of stationery. Max tossed his bag onto the bed, and it landed with a thud, stirring up a cloud of dust. As the particles danced in the shafts of light streaming through the grimy window, Max’s eyes were drawn to the desk. On it lay a thick, leather-bound journal, its cover worn and edges frayed. Intrigued, Max opened the journal to the first page. The handwriting was rushed, almost frantic, and the ink had faded over time. The entries spoke of hidden truths and forbidden knowledge, things seen in the room that defied explanation. Each account ended abruptly, with the writer insisting they were being watched by the room itself. Feeling a chill run down his spine, Max looked around. The walls, once bland and unassuming, now seemed to close in on him. The shadows in the corners appeared darker, denser, as if absorbing the faint light. The air grew thick, and a sense of unease settled over him. Determined to not be cowed by his imagination, Max decided to explore further. He noticed that the carpet, threadbare and stained, seemed to have patterns that weren’t merely the product of wear but rather intentional designs that spiralled towards the centre of the room. Following these patterns with his eyes, he found himself standing directly over a slightly raised floorboard. With a mixture of curiosity and dread, Max pried up the floorboard. Beneath it was a small cavity, inside which lay a collection of odd trinkets—old coins, a rusty key, and a black-and-white photograph of a man whose eyes seemed to pierce through the lens, reaching out through time and space. Suddenly, the room felt colder, and the faint whisper of voices filled the air. Max could almost discern words, urging him to look closer, delve deeper. But a wave of fear overcame him, compelling him to replace the floorboard and step away from the desk. As he packed his belongings, ready to leave Room 101 and its secrets behind, Max realised that some rooms, like some chapters in books, are better left unexplored. As he checked out, the clerk gave him a knowing look, a silent acknowledgement of the room’s power. Outside, the sun was rising, and the world was blissfully unaware of what lay behind the door marked 101. Max decided it would remain that way, at least for those who valued their peace of mind over the lure of the unknown.
A desk with a computer on it in a room with pictures on the wall
By Chris Witham 25 Apr, 2024
Post 100 - Thought Thursday (Bit of a milestone this one, post number 100!) Every great design begins with an even better story Lorinda Mamo This insightful quote by designer and creative director Lorinda Mamo emphasizes the crucial role that storytelling plays in the design process [1][3][4]. Creating great user experiences is all about crafting a narrative and bringing things to life [3]. By building a detailed story around the user, designers can better empathise with them, understand their perspective, and identify their needs and pain points [3]. This allows designers to create more meaningful, impactful solutions. Stories help to document the emotional expectations at each stage of the user journey, create a visual roadmap, and expose potential design flaws [3]. They provide a framework for understanding the user's world and tapping into the feelings the design aims to evoke [5]. As Mamo suggests, a compelling story is the foundation of successful design. The story informs every aspect of the design, from the overall concept to the smallest interaction. Without a strong narrative at its core, design lacks deeper meaning and resonance with the user. In essence, this quote reminds us that great design is not just about aesthetics or functionality, but about forging an emotional connection through storytelling. By weaving a rich tapestry of characters, context, and emotions, designers can create experiences that captivate users and leave a lasting impact. Design and storytelling are inextricably intertwined - the best designs are rooted in the best stories. Citations: [1] https://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/design-quotes [2] https://www.realthread.com/blog/51-design-and-creativity-quotes-guaranteed-to-inspire [3] https://deepstash.com/idea/138591/14-every-great-design-begins-with-an-even-better-story [4] https://careerfoundry.com/en/blog/ux-design/15-inspirational-ux-design-quotes-that-every-designer-should-read/ [5] https://dribbble.com/shots/8807803-Quote-Lorinda-Mamo
A hand is reaching out towards a butterfly in a field
By Chris Witham 24 Apr, 2024
Post 99 - Word Wednesday Altruism Altruism is the principle and practice of concern for the well-being and happiness of other humans or animals above oneself. It is often considered a synonym for selflessness and is the opposite of selfishness. The word "altruism" was popularized by the French philosopher Auguste Comte in French, as "altruisme," as an antonym for egoism. There are several types of altruism, including reciprocal, moral, group-selected, and nepotistic altruism. Reciprocal altruism involves reciprocity and relates to the idea of ‘give and take’, meaning you help someone in the hope that they will return the favor. This idea of reciprocal altruism is especially relevant in politics, where the 'give and take' dynamic is seen as the norm, and giving without asking for anything in return is viewed as unusual. An example of reciprocal altruism politics is a coalition agreement, where the larger political party gives concessions, such as cabinet positions or enacting certain policies, of a smaller party, in exchange for the smaller party providing the necessary votes in parliament. Moral altruism is one of the other types of altruism, and is also called pure altruism because it is the purest form of altruism. In moral altruism, there is no expectation of reciprocity. Group-selected altruism relates to belonging to a particular group. In other words, you might behave altruistically toward your friends because they are your group. Similarly, you might behave altruistically toward people from the same neighborhood because you identify with that group. When you donate to a charity, you might only donate to groups you feel you belong to. For example, as a woman, you only donate to charities that serve women. Nepotistic altruism is often called genetic altruism and relates to family and genetic relationships. The parent-child relationship is an example of nepotistic altruism, as parents often make selfless sacrifices for the welfare of their children, but they wouldn't make the same sacrifices for other people. Whether "true" altruism is possible in human psychology is a subject of debate. The theory of psychological egoism suggests that no act of sharing, helping, or sacrificing can be truly altruistic, as the actor may receive an intrinsic reward in the form of personal gratification. The validity of this argument depends on whether such intrinsic rewards qualify as "benefits". The term *altruism* may also refer to an ethical doctrine that claims that individuals are morally obliged to benefit others. Used in this sense, it is usually contrasted with egoism, which claims individuals are morally obligated to serve themselves first. Effective altruism is the use of evidence and reason to determine the most effective ways to benefit others. [1][2][3][4][5] Sources: "Altruism." Wikipedia. [1] "Altruism: Definition & Types - StudySmarter." StudySmarter. [2] "Altruism." Merriam-Webster. [3] "Altruism: How to Cultivate Selfless Behavior." Verywell Mind. [4] "Altruism 101: Definition, Facts, Examples." Human Rights Careers. [5] "What Is Altruism in Psychology? 8 Inspiring Examples." Positive Psychology. Citations: [1] https://www.studysmarter.co.uk/explanations/politics/political-ideology/altruism/ [2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Altruism [3] https://www.verywellmind.com/what-is-altruism-2794828 [4] https://www.humanrightscareers.com/issues/altruism-101-definition-facts-examples/ [5] https://positivepsychology.com/altruism/ [6] https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/altruism/ [7] https://www.apa.org/pubs/highlights/peeps/issue-48 [8] https://ethicsunwrapped.utexas.edu/glossary/altruism
A room with a lot of computer monitors and a wall with a picture of a brain on it
By Chris Witham 23 Apr, 2024
Post 98 - Trade Tuesday Empowering Accountancy with Artificial Intelligence In the world of accountancy, where precision and efficiency are paramount, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming a very useful asset. As businesses grapple with increasingly complex financial landscapes, AI offers accountants a powerful tool to enhance accuracy, streamline operations, and provide higher value strategic advice to clients. Here’s a closer look at how AI can revolutionise the accountancy sector. Automating routine tasks One of the most immediate benefits of AI in accountancy is the automation of repetitive, time-consuming tasks such as data entry, reconciliation, and basic calculations. AI-driven software can process data at unprecedented speeds and with greater accuracy than humanly possible. This not only reduces the likelihood of errors but also frees up accountants to focus on more complex, value-added activities. Enhanced fraud detection Fraud detection is a critical area where AI can make a significant impact. By analysing patterns in large datasets, AI can identify anomalies that may indicate fraudulent activity. This capability extends beyond simple rule-based systems; AI can learn and adapt to new fraudulent techniques, making it an ever-evolving tool in the fight against financial crime. Predictive analytics AI excels in its ability to forecast future trends based on historical data. In accountancy, this capability can be harnessed to provide clients with insights about potential financial scenarios and outcomes. Whether it’s projecting cash flow needs, assessing risk, or planning investments, AI-driven predictive analytics can help accountants offer proactive advice and strategic planning. Client interaction and personalisation AI can also transform how accountants interact with their clients. Chatbots and virtual assistants can handle routine inquiries and provide clients with instant responses. More advanced AI systems can analyse client data to tailor advice and identify opportunities, enhancing personalised service and improving client satisfaction. Challenges and considerations While the benefits are compelling, integrating AI into accountancy practices comes with challenges. There’s the initial investment in technology and training, along with ongoing costs associated with data security and system maintenance. Moreover, there is the need to balance technology with the human element, ensuring that AI complements rather than replaces the personal touch that clients value. The future is now For accountants willing to embrace AI, the potential rewards are significant. Not only can AI improve operational efficiency and accuracy, but it also opens new avenues for offering strategic, data-driven advice. As AI technology continues to evolve, its integration into accountancy practices is not just about keeping up with the competition—it’s about staying ahead of it. By adopting AI, accountants can ensure they remain indispensable advisers in an increasingly automated world, providing strategic insights that machines alone cannot. To find out more about how a custom AI app may be able to help your accountancy practice please get in touch .
A room with a desk and chair and a large painting on the wall
By Chris Witham 22 Apr, 2024
Post 97 - MindStudio Developers Course Short update today, I'm busy working my way through the modules of the certification course. My App is planned and I'm figuring out the workflow using Milanote which is proving to be very useful. One point that has become apparent to me is the need to really plan well before starting your build, I can see that it will save a lot of time later on . More to follow as things progress…
A bottle of beans is on a table in a dark room
By Chris Witham 21 Apr, 2024
Post 96 - It’s the weekend, Idiom of the Day Spill the beans Created in ChatGPT using my custom Idiom Generator GPT! Add idiom, generate copy, generate image: Figurative meaning "Spill the beans" is an idiom used to describe revealing secret information or letting out a secret, often unintentionally or prematurely. Typical usage This phrase is typically employed when someone discloses information that was supposed to be kept confidential, or when urging someone to share the details they have been withholding. For example, you might hear someone say, "Come on, spill the beans! What did they say at the meeting?" Origin The origin of "spill the beans" is not definitively known, but there are a couple of theories. One popular theory suggests that it derives from an ancient Greek voting method where voters would place beans in a jar—white beans for yes and black beans for no. If someone accidentally or purposely knocked over the jar, the beans would spill and reveal the confidential votes prematurely. This method of secretive voting and the potential accidental disclosure align well with the modern use of the idiom. Another theory relates to horse racing in the United States, where the phrase was supposedly used to mean causing a disturbance or spoiling the chances, akin to revealing secrets in the racing circles during the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
By Chris Witham 20 Apr, 2024
Post 95 - It’s the weekend, Idiom of the Day Butterflies in the stomach Created in ChatGPT using my custom Idiom Generator GPT! Add idiom, generate copy, generate image: Figurative meaning The phrase "butterflies in the stomach" describes the nervous, fluttery feeling one might experience in anticipation of something significant or stressful, like speaking in public, attending an interview, or meeting someone special for the first time. Typical usage This idiom is commonly used to express anxiety or excitement about upcoming events in a somewhat lighthearted manner. For example, someone might say, "I have butterflies in my stomach before every stage performance," to convey their nervous excitement. Origin The idiom "butterflies in the stomach" is believed to originate from the physical sensation that resembles the fluttering of soft, light wings against the stomach walls. This sensation is actually caused by a reduction of blood flow to the stomach that occurs during moments of anxiety or nervousness, which in turn is part of the body's preparation for a 'fight or flight' response. The phrase itself is relatively modern, with its usage in English traced back to the early 20th century.
By Chris Witham 19 Apr, 2024
Post 94 - Fun Friday So for this, the first of the ‘Fun Friday’ series, here’s the idea, take a well known nursery rhyme and get ChatGPT to make it into a short story, very basic prompt, and see what we get! I'll experiment with better prompts as we go and some other ideas I have. It may not be your idea of fun, however I enjoyed the process and there’s something quite exciting about waiting to see what you get back. (incidentally I did cut and paste this, no edits apart from some typographical elements, I think it’s pretty reasonable) Sorry, I'll get my coat… ;-)
By Chris Witham 18 Apr, 2024
Post 93 - Thought Thursday With regard to yesterdays post about my daily blog post commitment and some ideas around how better to maintain the consistency I bring you ‘Thought Thursday’ Every Thursday I will post a thought of the day, along with some information about it. The AI connection will be the fact that I'll be assisted by ChatGPT and Perplexity. Ah yes, but isn't this just useless content I hear you say, well no, not if you're interested in this kind of thing! And it is technically all part of my further experimentation with all things AI, with credit to Ethan Mollick (his book is where I first heard the term) I am still ‘ The Human in the Loop ’
A painting of people sitting at tables in a field at sunset
By Chris Witham 17 Apr, 2024
Post 92 - The Four Laws of Behaviour Change My idea to write a blog post a day is becoming a lot more time consuming than I first thought, especially now I’m building my MindStudio Project for the certification course. With that in mind I did a bit of research on ways I might make the process a little easier. I read a post on LinkedIn by Ben Meer, mentioning James Clear's Atomic Habits, a book I admittedly bought ages ago and never got round to actually reading, I think I will now though. So today's post although not strictly about AI is advice from the following prompt as outlined by Ben Meer, thank you Ben, worked a treat. Output via ChatGPT 4. The image was a problem, many attempts but nothing of any real use. This one was the best and last of many! I just asked for a visual metaphor for change, kind of works may be! Imagine I want to develop the habit of writing a blog post every day. Can you provide creative ideas for each of the Four Laws of Behavior Change? Specifically, suggest a cue that will remind me to start the habit, a way to make the habit attractive and create a craving, a method to make the habit easy to perform as a response, and a reward that will make the habit satisfying. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cue: Reminder to start the habit Set a specific time: Choose a consistent time each day, like first thing in the morning or right after your lunch break, to sit down and write. This timing itself becomes the cue. Use technology: Set a daily alarm or reminder on your phone or computer. You could also use a productivity app that allows you to schedule daily prompts. Physical space: Designate a specific spot in your home or office as your ‘writing zone’. Whenever you see this space set up for writing, it prompts you to begin. Craving: Make the habit attractive Theme days: Assign themes or topics to specific days of the week to keep the content varied and exciting. For example, Mondays could be for industry news, Wednesdays for personal stories or lessons, and Fridays for guest posts or interviews. Join a writing group: Engage with a community of bloggers who write daily. Sharing your progress and reading others' work can increase your interest and motivation. Visualise the benefits: Spend a few minutes visualising the impact of regular blogging, like increased readership, enhanced writing skills, or potential income from ads and sponsorships. Response: Make the habit easy Prepare templates: Create templates for different types of posts to reduce the effort needed to get started each day. Keep a content list: Maintain a running list of topic ideas, research points, and partial drafts that you can pick up and expand into a full post, reducing the barrier to getting started. Limit writing time: Set a timer for a manageable period, like 25 minutes. Knowing you only have to write for a short duration can make the task seem less daunting. Reward: Make the habit satisfying Immediate feedback: After publishing each post, share it on social media or with a friend to get quick feedback. Positive comments and engagement can be very rewarding. Track your progress: Use a calendar or app to mark each day you complete a post. Seeing a streak build up can be a strong motivator. Celebrate milestones: Set up rewards for yourself for reaching milestones, such as writing every day for a week, then a month, etc. Rewards could be a favourite treat, a new book, or something else that you find enjoyable. By setting up a system around these four laws, you’ll be better positioned to make daily blog writing a natural and enjoyable part of your routine.
By Chris Witham 16 Apr, 2024
Post 91 - The future at your fingertips: Exploring built-in AI in mobile devices Due to meetings and some Ad deadlines I turned 100% to ChatGPT due to lack of time! Full transparency, my custom GPT running on ChatGPT 4 wrote all of the article below, I just tidied it up a bit and made sure it made sense! I definitely think the latest version has got better and it's following my prompt instructions much closer than it did before. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As technology continues to advance, the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into our daily gadgets is becoming increasingly commonplace. Rumours are swirling that the upcoming Apple iOS 18 might feature built-in AI capabilities, a move that could significantly change how we interact with our mobile devices. Let’s explore what this means for users and the broader implications for privacy and functionality. Understanding AI in mobile devices Built-in AI refers to artificial intelligence technologies embedded directly into a mobile device’s operating system. This can enable more sophisticated features such as: Enhanced personalisation: AI can learn from your usage patterns to tailor recommendations and settings to your preferences. Improved efficiency: From battery management to optimising device performance, AI can manage resources more effectively. Advanced user interfaces: Voice assistants and predictive typing are just the beginning. Future interfaces could include more intuitive gestures and context-aware interactions. Implications of AI on privacy and security While the benefits are clear, the integration of AI into devices we carry daily raises significant privacy and security concerns: Data privacy: With devices collecting and analysing more personal data, ensuring this information is handled securely and transparently is crucial. Security risks: More sophisticated AI systems could potentially become new targets for cyberattacks. Potential for enhanced functionality Despite the challenges, the potential for improved device functionality is immense: Accessibility features: AI can provide more adaptive accessibility options for users with disabilities, adjusting to individual needs in real-time. Health monitoring: With AI, devices could better track health metrics and provide early warnings for potential health issues. The broader impact The integration of AI into mobile operating systems like iOS 18 could set a new standard for mobile technology, pushing competitors to also innovate. This could lead to a rapid evolution in mobile tech, much like the leap from feature phones to smartphones. In conclusion The possibility of built-in AI in mobile devices, like the rumoured feature in iOS 18, presents both exciting opportunities and significant challenges. As we move towards a more interconnected and intelligent technology landscape, it’s crucial to consider the implications on our privacy and the way we interact with our devices.
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