I asked Perplexity for an interesting article about something that happened on this day in 1924. Here's what I got:
June 24, 1924 marked the 9th day of the longest and most contentious political convention in U.S. history - the 1924 Democratic National Convention[6]. Held at Madison Square Garden in New York City, the convention had already been deadlocked for over a week as delegates struggled to choose a presidential nominee.
The main contenders were William Gibbs McAdoo, the son-in-law of former President Woodrow Wilson, and Al Smith, the governor of New York. McAdoo represented the rural, Protestant, prohibitionist faction of the party, while Smith was the champion of the urban, Catholic, anti-prohibition wing[6]. The division reflected the cultural tensions of the Roaring Twenties.
As the balloting continued day after day with no resolution in sight, the atmosphere grew increasingly heated. Fistfights broke out on the convention floor, ten gallon hats were smashed, and a South Carolina delegate had to be restrained from attacking the chairman with a chair[6]. One man reportedly died from heat exhaustion in the stifling, non-air conditioned arena.
Outside, tens of thousands of onlookers gathered hoping to catch a glimpse of the spectacle. Vendors hawked food, drink, and novelty items to the crowds. It was a political circus the likes of which had never been seen before.
On June 24th, the convention reached a boiling point as a motion was made to condemn the Ku Klux Klan by name in the party platform. The Klan, at the height of its influence in the 1920s, was a major political force, especially in the South and West where McAdoo drew much of his support. After an explosive debate that lasted into the wee hours of the morning, the motion to condemn the Klan was narrowly defeated by a vote of 542 3/20 to 541 7/20[6].
McAdoo's refusal to condemn the Klan outright damaged him with anti-Klan delegates, but no consensus nominee emerged. The deadlock continued for another week, with a record-breaking 103 ballots cast. Finally, on the 16th day, the exhausted delegates compromised on John W. Davis, a little-known former congressman and diplomat, as their nominee[6].
The 1924 Democratic convention, with its 16 day duration and 103 ballots, set a record for length and indecision that still stands today. More importantly, the vicious intra-party battle exposed deep cultural and regional divides in America and badly weakened the Democratic Party, contributing to Republican Calvin Coolidge's landslide victory in November[6].
The 1924 convention was a political spectacle for the ages and a reflection of the tumultuous forces shaping America in the early 20th century. Its unprecedented chaos and division on June 24th and the days surrounding it make it one of the most dramatic and consequential political events in U.S. history.
[1] https://www.onthisday.com/date/1924/june/24
[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1924
[3] https://www.irishnews.com/news/northern-ireland/ireland-unpartitioned-by-rainfall-on-this-day-in-1924-KEFGR4ZGBZHI5JAHEWL3VRF2XQ/
[4] https://www.onthisday.com/events/date/1924/june
[5] https://www.historyplace.com/specials/calendar/june.htm
[6] https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/why-the-1924-democratic-national-convention-was-the-longest-and-most-chaotic-of-its-kind-in-us-history-180984590/
[7] https://www.historic-newspapers.co.uk/blog/1924-timeline/
[8] https://www.britannica.com/on-this-day/June-24
[9] https://www.sidneydailynews.com/2024/06/24/out-of-the-past-june-24/
[10] https://www.escalontimes.com/209-living/100-years-ago-historical-events-june-1924/
[11] https://www.duluthnewstribune.com/news/local/bygones-deadly-tornado-struck-minnesota-100-years-ago
[12] https://www.whathappenedtodayinhistory.com/?d=24&go=Go&m=June&y=1924
[13] https://www.fredericknewspost.com/terms/printview/local/20-50-100/20-50-100-years-ago-june-24/article_20df8db9-3687-53fe-adc6-d0d9fd6cc124.html
[14] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/June_1924
[15] https://pantagraph.com/news/local/history/100-years-ago-fireworks-dealers-across-illinois-counseled-on-safety-regulations/article_eefa692c-30af-11ef-908e-df2cb1190525.html
[16] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/June_24
[17] https://www.murraybridge.news/p/journey-to-paris-1924-follow-the
[18] https://www.nytimes.com/sitemap/1924/06/24/
[19] https://www.latrobebulletinnews.com/news/local/catherine-yasurek-observing-100th-birthday/article_8a04ce7a-3020-11ef-ba57-5f5ac5e5652f.html
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